Introduction of the modern 3d modeling method into the theory and practice of forensic medicine balistics, caused by gunshot wounds inflicted by firearms with 9mm caliber ammunition
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Forensic Medicine and Medical Law, Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine
Submission date: 2023-11-21
Acceptance date: 2024-07-17
Publication date: 2024-09-03
Corresponding author
Ivan Savka   

Forensic Medicine and Medical Law, Bukovinian State Medical University, 2, Teatralna sq., Bukovinian State Medical Univers, 58002, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Wiadomości Lekarskie 2024;77(8):1569-1574
The scientific study aimed to explore the capabilities of the modern 3D modeling method for various elements of gunshot wounds caused by 9 mm caliber bullets, intending to integrate these findings into the theory and practice of forensic medicine.

Material and methods:
The research began with a series of experimental shots, during which the morphological features were examined through their 3D spatial reconstruction. The entire series of experimental shots was conducted using an automatic pistol IZH 70-01 equipped with 9.0 mm caliber bullets. The ballistic clay Roma Plastilina No.1, manufactured in the USA, was utilized as a material for conducting standard ballistic tests according to the standards of the NIJ (National Institute of Justice) and HOSDB (Home Office Scientific Development Branch).

The research was continued during the performance of forensic examinations involving actual cases of gunshot injuries. The dimensions of individual elements of the wound channel were measured in both experimental and expert cases using conventional measuring tools, as well as after their 3D modeling, utilizing graphic editors such as “Agisoft Photoscan” and “3ds max”.

In the course of creating and studying experimental and expert 3D models, the dimensions of individual morphological elements of the wound channel were recorded with an accuracy that exceeded the results obtained through measurements using traditional measurement methods by ten times.
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